My Mentioned and Recommended Resources 
These are resources that I mention in the book Find Your 20 or simply recommend to those who follow me. If you have not yet read Find Your 20, you can grab your copy by clicking here
NOTE: Some of the links below are affiliate links and, as such, I may receive a small commission if you purchase. This does not, however, affect my recommendation in any way. My integrity is more important than a small payment, therefore, you can be sure that the resources and tools I recommend are the ones I believe are the best. 

Grab your physical copy of Find Your 20 now - for less than it'll cost on Amazon and with $545 worth of free and discounted offers to go along with it! 

Get a FREE audio version of my book, Find Your 20 simply by clicking the link below and entering your email address. 

Each week I share the top insights from my coaching sessions with my personal clients to help YOU throw out the 80% that's holding you back so you can create a business you love owning and a lifestyle that excites you. Available in audio and video formats. 

I want to coach you every single week day, all month long. Join me in this Audio Mastermind where I'll share behind-the-scenes, real-time strategies, insights, and tactics that I'm implementing and learning in my business and supporting my clients in implementing in their businesses. It's like getting $1000 worth of coaching for just $0.16/day. 

We're creating the most active and engaged free group in the world for At-Home Entrepreneurs to help them navigate the challenges of working where they live, by maintaining the focus that leads to more profits and 
the profits that allow for more 
time to enjoy a lifestyle they are 
excited about it. 


80/20 Sales and Marketing was my first in-depth introduction to the 80/20 Principle. In it you'll learn how the principle applies to your sales and marketing activities. I highly recommend this book! 

The 80/20 Principle is the book that inspired Perry Marshall's 80/20 Sales and Marketing. It's a fantastic overview of how the 80/20 Principle can completely change your life, career, and business.  

The 80/20 Individual takes the discussion of the 80/20 Principle into the realm of your personal life and productivity. Because of the focus on the individual, there are some unique insights to be gleaned from this book.   

Mxltiply has been a game-changer for me and my business. Before reading Mxltiply, I couldn't conceive of how I'd have enough time to effectively create content for social media, but Bryan's system is so easy to implement and use - I create all the content I want in just a few minutes each day!  

$100M Offers has become a book that I recommend with regularity to my clients. It's easy to read and breaks down how to create an offer in a way that I've not seen before. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the go-to resource for all marketers on creating offers in the next few years!  

Profit First is a must-read book for every entrepreneur and small business owner! This ain't your accountant's accounting book. It's a real-world plan to finally take hold of your company's finances - and start generating a profit immediately! I highly recommend!   


I wish I had bought a reMarkable tablet years ago! It has replaced ALL my notebooks, my planner and more! It truly feels like writing on paper - it's the best of both worlds...handwriting notes and digital access! 

I use Endel for white noise to help me focus during work, wind down at the end of the day and sleep better at night. It uses real-time inputs from my watch and local weather to customize soundscapes to serve me best. 

Audiobooks are my preferred way to consume books and Audible is the way I do it! Click on the image above and get a free Audible trial AND the audio version of Find Your 20 added to your Audible Library! 

ClickFunnels is one of the simplest programs I've ever used. It allows me to easily create optin pages, landing pages, product pages and funnels without knowing a lick of programming! This page you're looking at was created with ClickFunnels! Get a 14-Day Free Trial now! 

I use ConvertKit personally as my email service provider. I love how easy it is to use and the features that help me stay in contact with my audience. They also have a free version for those just starting out. 

FunnelScripts is one of the best pieces of software I've ever purchased. It does a great job at generating headlines, sales scripts, bullets, and other copy that you can tweak and use quickly! You can either purchase the software directly, or watch this training on how it works

If you're looking for an easy to use, intuitive budgeting system and software, look no further than You Need a Budget (or, YNAB, as us "YNABers" call it). I started using YNAB when I started my business and haven't looked back! The budgeting philosophy makes sense and their mobile and web apps are extremely robust! Snag a free 34-day trial now! 



I whole-heartedly recommend my friend Jon Workman if you are in need of copywriting services - especially email marketing. Jon has written many emails for my business and his emails always have better response rates than emails I write myself! 

Sales Training & Support

When I want to learn to sell better, my friend Justin Janowski is who I turn to. Justin is one of the best salesmen I've ever met, and he does it without being high pressure or sleazy! Whether you want to learn the skills of selling yourself, or you need a skilled team of closer to sell your services, look no further than Justin and his team! 

Systems & Tech Support

If you're struggling to make your tech and systems work together in your business and need someone who understands how to just "make it work," I highly recommend my friend Robby Miles! He's my go-to guy for any tech/systems issues I have in my business. 

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