"I'll Pay You $995 a Month if You'll Let Me Coach You For Less Than Ten Minutes Every Weekday..."
"I'll Pay You $995 a month if You'll Let Me Coach You For Less Than 
Ten Minutes Every Weekday..."
I want to coach you every single 
week day for an entire month...

I am sold on coaching. 

There is something magical that happens when the ideas and thoughts of one person meet and mesh with the ideas and thoughts of another. 

I personally pay over $1200/month to be coached personally. 

And I want to mesh my behind-the-scenes, real-time insights with your thoughts and ideas every single day. 

During an average week, I meet with and coach between five and ten high level (mid-to-high six-figure) business owners

I'm also busy actually running my business and spending a substantial amount of time learning through books, programs, coaching, and courses.

All of that leads to a LOT of cutting-edge, battle-tested ideas, strategies and tactics that you can use in your business.  

And now I've created a "swipe file" of the best and most timely business insights available to you in your business today. 

All you have to do is take advantage of it. 

And I'm going to pay you $995 a month if you'll let me share this swipe file with you each and every weekday in  easy-to-consume (less than 10-min) clips. 

I know what you're thinking... 

What's the catch? 

To put it simply, there is no catch. 

If you were to email me tomorrow and say, "Mark, can you coach me this month?" 

I would say, "I'd be happy to, it'll be $3,000 and you'll get six 30-min sessions over the next three months. 

That breaks down to $1000/month.

But with my Hidden 20 Audio Mastermind, I'm going to coach you every single week day, all month long for just $0.16/day

Just this week I've uploaded over an hour of teaching, thoughts and insights exclusively for audio mastermind members. 

Here's a sneak peak at just one of seven episodes I've uploaded this week for audio mastermind members... 

What You Get With the Hidden 20 Audio Mastermind

The Hidden 20 Audio Mastermind is just that - an audio-based mastermind. 

It's more than just audio clips that you can listen to every single week day to grow and enhance your business. 

It's unprecedented access to me, my thoughts, and my ideas. 

It's the ability to ask me questions about your business and get personalized feedback in audio form. 

It's a daily dose of what's working, what's not working, the successes and failures of countless six-figure business owners and entrepreneurs - and more importantly the lessons to be learned from those successes and failures.

It's the only audio mastermind of its kind that I'm aware of anywhere in the world. 

And I'm giving it to you for 99.5% off what I charge for one-on-one coaching... 

...even though you'll hear the exact same things that I tell my private coaching clients!  

My "First-30" Risk-Free Guarantee

Most guarantees go something like this... 

"If for whatever reason, you don't like what you bought from us, we are happy to refund you the money you spent."

I'm going to do one better...

I know you're going to love the Hidden 20 Audio Mastermind...so I'm going to make it 100% risk free within the first 30 days for you. 

When you sign up for the Audio Mastermind today, I am going to physically mail you a crisp $5 bill. 

Just send me your mailing address, confirming the email address you used to sign up for the mastermind and your $5 bill will be on it's way! 

You only pay $4.99/month for the Audio Mastermind, so I'm immediately removing all risk on your part! 

You can take advantage of the entire first month of the audio mastermind having not paid a cent (actually you will have MADE one cent!). 

If you don't get at least $4.99 worth of value within that month, you're welcome to cancel at any time...and it didn't cost you a thing! 

How's THAT for a guarantee? 

Want Some More Information? 

Still not 100% convinced that the Hidden 20 Audio Mastermind will be worth substantially more than the $4.99/month you'll invest? 

Here's a few more sample episodes to give you an idea of the type of information I'll be sharing on a daily basis

The Hidden 20 Email Sequence Broken Down...

How The Heck Did I Not Think of This? 

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